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Traffic signal lamp holder rigid attached what are the advantages
Category:Industry news   Publish:2017-03-02 02:05:27   View:1925 [Back]

Suspension of the signal lamp holder can produce moving back and forth, because the wind and cause light lever assembly device with a little wind load.However, many sellers prefer to put on the road of signal lamp holder support rigidity, because without the movement of the signal lamp holder, reduce the shaking signal lamp holder connected wires, and eliminates the signal lamp holder visual flashing changes because of the wind shake.Signal lamp holder attached is the advantages of rigidity, only need a shorter lamp pole, because the signal lamp holder is not suspended in light under his arm.Progress of aesthetics was one reason why the use of traffic signal lamp holder attached rigidity.

Optical preferences lamp holder design program provides drivers with an accurate point of view, and make their house unequivocal understand lights control the movement of traffic flow.Keep the direction of the lamp holder to be completely accurate, make sure they won't turn the wind, the signal lamp holder lamp arm or base attached to have more advantages than the cable attached.